The Environment, The Bad, Is There Any Good Left?


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To the Global Warming deniers what’s the good word of late?
  • It’s (Global Warming is) not a thing.
  • It’s not our fault.
  • It’s destiny, a natural cycle.
  • Not my worry, I’ll be dead.
  • Que sera.
  • Live it up while you can! 🎉

Satellite images reveal huge amounts of methane leaking from U.S. oil fields​

Oil and gas operations in the Permian Basin, the largest oil-producing area in the United States, are spewing more than twice the amount of methane emissions into the atmosphere than previously thought — enough wasted energy to power 7 million households in Texas for a year. That's the result of a new study by researchers at Harvard University and the Environmental Defense Fund

Note: Methane is 25x worse than CO2 as a green house gas:

West Risks Blackouts As Hydroelectric Power Dries Up​

The West is gripped in one of the most severe droughts on record, with California among many places getting less than half of average precipitation. Mostly dry years over the past decade—fueled in part by climate change—have left so little moisture in the ground that it is sopping up much of the runoff normally destined for reservoirs, hydrologists say


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A Space Laser Shows How Catastrophic Sea Level Rise Will Be​


Scientists calculate that by 2100, over 400 million people could live in low-lying, at-risk areas—and that's a conservative estimate.

Hooijer found that 72 percent of the population that will be at risk of inundation will live in the tropics. Tropical Asia alone will account for 59 percent of the at-risk area, because the region is particularly low-lying. “It's a huge problem for the developed countries—for Europe and for the States,” says Hooijer. “But if you look at the road map, who are the people who are going to suffer most, and probably the soonest? Those are poor people, mostly that live in underdeveloped zones. It's not given that much attention, that this is really the hot spot. And we were surprised by the numbers ourselves.”


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I’ve been in Vegas at 110 F and it’s enough to take your breath away. Fortunately being close to the Gulf Coast is what is keeping our temps in the normal range (Houston) and we have been getting lots of rain, while inland, the heartland they bake.


On Friday, Death Valley, California, hit 130 degrees.

On Saturday, Las Vegas tied its hottest temperature, hitting 117 degrees, and Utah also tied its statewide record, hitting 117 in St. George.

On Sunday morning, nearly 30 million people remained under heat alerts across several Western states, where temperatures were forecast again soar to 10 to 20 degrees above average.

Las Vegas was forecast again to climb to near 117 degrees. If that happened for the second time in a row, it would be the first time in recorded history.
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People stop throwing your unwanted goldfish into the waterways.

These are carp or carp related they get big.​

It seems obvious that the article below that say the average size of an adult goldfish is 2-6” is in error.

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fake news and leftist propaganda /s

yes, I am being sarcastic and spouting off the right's responses
I think your kidding. :)

Just remember all the jerk offs (2010ish) on the Right who ridiculed the idea of Global Warming based on continuous warnings from science about man’s continued adding of millions of tons of carbon into the atmosphere, and now the chickens have come home to roost. It is possible that that denial can make some of us feel better about burning up. :unsure:

And then there is the Amazon:

I think we are fucked…


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I think your kidding. :)

Just remember all the jerk offs (2010ish) on the Right who ridiculed the idea of Global Warming based on continuous warnings from science about man’s continued adding of millions of tons of carbon into the atmosphere, and now the chickens have come home to roost. It is possible that that denial can make some of us feel better about burning up. :unsure:

And then there is the Amazon:

I think we are fucked…
yea this will be an interesting period to live through

hopefully human ingenuity will come through and find a solution


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Let’s see, today I’ll pick:
  • It’s destiny, a natural cycle. :unsure:

‘No One Is Safe’: Extreme Weather Batters the Wealthy World​

Floods swept Germany, fires ravaged the American West and another heat wave loomed, driving home the reality that the world’s richest nations remain unprepared for the intensifying consequences of climate change.
Floods swept Germany, fires ravaged the American West and another heat wave loomed, driving home the reality that the world’s richest nations remain unprepared for the intensifying consequences of climate change.

Some of Europe’s richest countries lay in disarray this weekend, as raging rivers burst through their banks in Germany and Belgium, submerging towns, slamming parked cars against trees and leaving Europeans shellshocked at the intensity of the destruction.

Only days before in the Northwestern United States, a region famed for its cool, foggy weather, hundreds had died of heat. In Canada, wildfire had burned a village off the map. Moscow reeled from record temperatures. And this weekend the northern Rocky Mountains were bracing for yet another heat wave, as wildfires spread across 12 states in the American West.


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Retorts heard from Trump Land:
  • It’s a liberal scam!
  • A sinister plan to control us!!
  • Get your Guns!
  • But MAGA!!
  • I’d rather drink my Koolaid!
As a child, things were so positive, at least they seemed that way to me growing up Middle Class in the US. I just never thought I’d be witnessing the beginning of the end. We’re in deep shit, put your waders on. :oops:

“It Is Unequivocal” Humans Are Driving Worsening Climate Disasters, Hundreds Of Scientists Said In A New Report​

The latest report stands apart from previous versions for explicitly pointing to the cause of the climate crisis: human-induced climate pollution. Without humans curbing their release of carbon dioxide, methane, and other greenhouse gases, the report warned, deadly heat waves, heavy rains, droughts, and other disasters will get more intense and more frequent.

Hundreds of scientists worldwide contributed to the report and its key findings, which are spelled out in the policymaker summary. Additional reports will come out in the next year and a half: a second report will dig into who is most vulnerable to ongoing climate impacts and how to best prepare for them, while a third will focus on how to prevent more warming.


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knee deep in the road apples of the 4 horsemen
You forgot: If China isn’t gonna stop polluting, why should we?

China is polluting for us. Their heavy industry is producing all our stuff, so their pollution, seriously, is nothing more than our pollution pushed over a ways elsewhere. To get China to stop polluting, we need to change our buying habits.


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You forgot: If China isn’t gonna stop polluting, why should we?

China is polluting for us. Their heavy industry is producing all our stuff, so their pollution, seriously, is nothing more than our pollution pushed over a ways elsewhere. To get China to stop polluting, we need to change our buying habits.
@Yoused nailed it. This is exactly how Capitalism works, profits are the only consideration, fuck everything else, especially our environment, and even us for the short term $$$. This is why billions of dollars of wealth have been transferred to Asia by the Western Corprotacracy, 🤬 The Great Filter is going to slap us down…

Thomas Veil

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The release on Monday of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s grim assessment of the trajectory of global warming has been met by a deafening silence by Republicans in Washington.
“I think we can focus on the impacts of climate change and not put our jobs at risk and kill our economy,” Scott said.

The IPCC calls this a Code Red emergency. This is the most important thing happening, to the entire planet. And Republicans are going, “Yeah, but…”

We’re doomed. 😖


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The IPCC calls this a Code Red emergency. This is the most important thing happening, to the entire planet. And Republicans are going, “Yeah, but…”

We’re doomed. 😖
Denial, denial, denial. No, no alarm bells in DC, silence and fucking denial.
We are doomed as long as Republicans continue to be a significant political force in DC.
And we are doomed if Stupid keeps electing a lot of Stupid.
I just never imagined nor anticipated as a young adult how far we could fall as a self destructive, planet destroying species. :cry:


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knee deep in the road apples of the 4 horsemen
I just never imagined nor anticipated as a young adult how far we could fall as a self destructive, planet destroying species.

The way I see it, much of the blame falls on wealthy business leaders who have made a fortune ("killing", even) on either environmentally destructive practices (also known as "laziness") or on addicting the rest of us to products and services that are environmentally damaging to varying degrees.

Once you get wealthy, historical evidence suggests that you will want to stay that way, so you will use part of your capital to work toward protecting the source of your wealth. If you got wealthy in a particularly damaging way, not only do you not want to be prevented from continuing to draw from that source, you also want to suppress as much information as you can about how horrible your operations really are.

Hence, hundreds of millions of Americans are addicted to the results of environmentally damaging processes, directly and/or indirectly, and asking them to sacrifice their comfort because their great-grandchildren might want to have food is a very difficult sell (especially if you have eschatology getting in the way). It feels like this entire system was constructed to fail, and most spectacularly will it do so.


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The Misty Mountains
The way I see it, much of the blame falls on wealthy business leaders who have made a fortune ("killing", even) on either environmentally destructive practices (also known as "laziness") or on addicting the rest of us to products and services that are environmentally damaging to varying degrees.

Once you get wealthy, historical evidence suggests that you will want to stay that way, so you will use part of your capital to work toward protecting the source of your wealth. If you got wealthy in a particularly damaging way, not only do you not want to be prevented from continuing to draw from that source, you also want to suppress as much information as you can about how horrible your operations really are.

Hence, hundreds of millions of Americans are addicted to the results of environmentally damaging processes, directly and/or indirectly, and asking them to sacrifice their comfort because their great-grandchildren might want to have food is a very difficult sell (especially if you have eschatology getting in the way). It feels like this entire system was constructed to fail, and most spectacularly will it do so.
Working in labor I’ve been sensitive for 4 decades to shipping jobs East to disenfranchise workers and rape the environment and make certain people wealthy in the process, while simo, Republicans screamed to lower taxes on the wealthy. Stop beating about the bush and just stick a knife in us.

There is a cost to manufacturing and the conspiracy of the corpotacracy and people we elected to Congress who exercised “good business sense” allowed this to happen and accelerated it for 6 decades. I also remember that a Democratic Administration orchestrated NAFTA, so there is blood on both major party’s hands in the US. Instead of dealing with the true cost of manufacturing they allowed those costs to be absorbed by the environment and disenfranchised labor in the west and now the payback.

I also know I’m being US centric but the move of manufacturing East was/is a world wide phenomena, that much of the East are huge polluters as they work to acquire wealth, and that we caused this, Global Warming, the Artic melting, coastal cities threatened, rising seas and mega storms, we will have reaped what we sewed and as Custodians of the Earth and of ourselves, we are FAILURES, and deserve this lesson. Oh yeah, new worries of the Atlantic Current breaking down, (Day After Tomorrow scenario) great news for Northern latitudes in the vicinity. :oops:

I also remember the warnings in the 1990s of being the last chance to fix this, and no one in leadership took it seriously, at least not serious enough, AND even if they did, ultimately their hands were tied because “the people” would not have stood for the painful measures required. WE are collectively guilty. And some of us think wearing a mask is an intolerable inconvenience?? We are so fucked. 🤮

On a side note, I can only wonder what conservatives think of Al Gore’s Inconvenient Truth now? They‘ll be in denial until the end, if it comes to that. Some/many/millions of human beings JUST CAN’T HANDLE THE TRUTH. We gotten too complacent with our success and now I predict, we are going to pay.
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knee deep in the road apples of the 4 horsemen
I also remember the warnings in the 1990s of being the last chance to fix this, and no one in leadership took it seriously
Even then might have helped, but we have been a long way from being able to fix this for at least a century, probably more like two. Once the industrial barony got control of the country and the economy, the was little we could do. Measures in the 1990s probably could have helped (but adequately offsetting the damage that the Reagan administration did to things like Interior, EPA and OSHA would have been a high hurdle), but it is the old canteen dilemma, where you do not realize how carefully you have to ration the liter of water until you are down to your last three tablespoons. I just do not think the system could have allowed us to do enough.
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